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Lögberg-Heimskringla the only newspaper that covers the entire Icelandic community.
With news about people and events from one end of North America to the other, as well as Iceland, Lögberg-Heimskringla has the full story on people of Icelandic descent, whether they live in Manitoba, North Dakota, Alberta, Utah, Nova Scotia... or any point in between

http://lh-inc.caIt's the only newspaper that covers the entire Icelandic community.
With news about people and events from one end of North America to the other, as well as Iceland, Lögberg-Heimskringla has the full story on people of Icelandic descent, whether they live in Manitoba, North Dakota, Alberta, Utah, Nova Scotia... or any point in between.

It's about people.
Lögberg-Heimskringla is full of original stories on people in the Icelandic and Icelandic North American scene, both past and present. Whether it's a new feature article on up-and-coming musicians, a profile of fishermen following the tradition of their ancestors, or biographies of lives lived, Lögberg-Heimskringla is there.

It has something for everyone.
Lögberg-Heimskringla covers current events in Iceland, reviews books, movies, and music, follows sports, and keeps you up to date on coming events in your community. Our paper reflects the diversity of the hundreds of thousands of people whose heritage is Icelandic.

It’s your paper.
L-H has continuous publishing history going back to the early years of Icelandic settlement in North America. Heimskringla was founded in 1886, Lögberg in 1888; the two newspapers amalgamated in 1959. If you are of Icelandic descent, chances are someone in your family has made our headlines!